June 2024

The Well Collective | Week Of June 5, 2024

Simplifying Schedule, Stocks And Stews From Scratch, Scribbles For Sound Sleep, Engaging With Elders, A Most-Needed Supplement

live well

Spend Time

One thing I really regret is not spending as much time as possible with my Nanna before she died. I think there’s a really beautiful energy exchange when you spend time with someone in their later years in life. As I’ve grown older I’m really appreciative of the times i get to spend with my older relatives, like my godfather and Uncle Peter, he’s 81! Every time we are in Adelaide, we will carve out time to hang with him. I see his face light up with the kids and I know spending time with us is such a highlight in his life. I love hearing the words of wisdom from someone who has lived so much of their life, and who has known me all of mine.

zen well

Simplify Your Schedule

Take a look at your weekly commitments and see if there's anything you can eliminate or delegate. Simplifying your schedule can reduce stress and give you more time to relax and enjoy being with your family. It might mean being able to take them for an after school smoothie or ice cream, or just being together at home. I had a beautiful time doing this the past week when we met up for food and ice cream with my mum and my 81 year old Uncle Peter after I blew off an audition that can be rescheduled!

eat well

I personally love Chili as a choice for our family because beans provide a good source of protein for our vegan fam. This is also a great recipe for getting the kids involved. A couple of things I have the kids do are draining and rinsing the beans, stirring (very carefully), chopping celery with a blunt knife, putting ingredients in to the pan.
We use all organic ingredients. I didn’t realize that we had used up all OF our veggie stock on a pumpkin soup last week, so I decided to make veggie stock from scratch.

get the recipe for teresa palmer's vegan chili here.


Chop and peel 1 carrot
Chop 2 sTALks of celery
Chop 1/3 of a (massive!) white onion
Chop 3 cloves of garlic
Throw everything in a small saucepan with one and a half cups of water. Add 1 teaspoon of oregano. Add 1 teaspoon of mixed herbs (or whatever spices you have). bay leaf is a nice addition, I just didn’t have any on hand. Set it to boil throughout your chili prep, about 30 to 40 minutes.

eat well tip

Maintain a tidy kitchen by adopting the "clean as you go" approach while cooking. a clutter-free kitchen leads to a clear mind. By tidying up as you cook, the task of cleaning afterward becomes less daunting, ensuring a seamless and stress-free experience in the kitchen. This simple habit not only promotes a more organized cooking environment but also fosters a sense of mindfulness and tranquility, allowing you to fully enjoy the culinary process without the distraction of clutter. Clear kitchen clear mind!

well said


For me, bedtime isn't complete without my nightly journal dump. It's like hitting the reset button, especially when things are tough. Just before sleep, I take a few minutes to unload all my worries and thoughts onto paper. It's amazing how much lighter I feel afterwards. it's like clearing out the mental clutter before trying to catch some Z's. Without this ritual, my mind tends to go into overdrive, replaying the events of the day on repeat. it's not just me saying this. science backs it up too! Turns out, this simple practice can actually help calm the mind and make it easier to drift off to dreamland.

well dressed

i'm Absolutely VIBING on my new sunglasses from Wolfspout. They’re so funky and come in lots of different colors and styles. I just bought myself THREE!

well up

I’m prepping for pregnancy again, as I plan to conceive this year at some point, and needed's prenatal supplement is hands-down the best in the game because it provides a type of antioxidant that supports energy production, cellular integrity, and metabolism. As people age, from around AGE 30 ON, CoQ10 levels decline often requiring supplementation TO ACHIEVE optimal levels.NEEDED'S CoQ10 is in active Ubiquinol form, which makes up over 90% of the body's CoQ10. It's designed to complement The BRAND'S Complete PlaN for Women and Men, specifically targeting preconception health for both genders.