Tamara Rappa


Teresa Palmer, Lea Michele, Nikki Reed


Sam Spector


Daisy de Villeneuve, Anna Keszthelyi


Holly Carter, Cyrus Veyssi


Elena Besser


Feather Creative


Amy Galleazzi



Martin Rusch


Andrew DeFrancesco, Martin Rusch


Jessica Ahn, Dasha Anderson, Erin Anderson, Mariko Arai, Sandy Armeni, Jen Atkin, Lisa Aharon, Mariko Arai, Timothy Aylward, Riad Azar, Lara Backmender, Marc Baptiste, Nick Barose, Rolando Beauchamp, Denika Bedrossian, Blossom Berkofsky, Kirin Bhatty, Jodie Boland, Bridget Brager, Rachel Branch, Katie Bofshever, Adam Breuchaud, Peter Butler,  Jolene Brodeur, Jacob Brown, Robert Bryan, Tyler Burrow, Dillon Buss,  Gio Campora, Loren Canby, Riawna Capri, Holly Carter, DJ Cassidy, Jasmine Chang,  Joseph Chase, Andrew Chen, Jay Cheshes, Chloe Chippendale, Jin Soon Choi, Ian Clark, Kat Clements,  Erica Cloud, Jen Cohn, Andrew Colvin, Porsche Cooper, Adam Cook, Cecilia Collantes, Cher Coulter, Jerome Cultrera, Kelly Cutrone,, Carolina Dali, Gerald DeCock, Andrea DiSabatino, Delphine Diallo, Tanya Dukes, Molly Fishkin-Levin, Beth Follert, Rebekah Forecast, Andrew De Francesco, Jesse Frohman, Abbey Drucker, Pati Dubroff, Cristina Ehrlich, Nicolas Eldin, Bobby Eliot, Kiley Fitzgerald, Adam Franzino, Paul Frederick, Kristen Gallegos , Ted Gibson, Dennis Gots, Owen Gould, Alvaro Goveia, Jamie Greenberg, Molly Greenwald,  Joel Griffith, Jillian Halouska, Daria Hardeman, Marty Harper, Regina Harris, Clayton Hawkins, Kylee Heath, Kiki Heitkotter, Geo Brian Hennings, Melissa Hernandez, Cherish Brooke Hill, Geraldine Holford, Courtney Housner, Kat Irlin, Dean Isidro, Eri Ishizu, Dallin James, Miles Jeffries, Mia Jones, Harry Josh, Jini, Kabuki, Christos Kalaniotis, Sofia Karvela, Anna Katsanis, Danni Katz, Anna Keszthelyi, Lilly Keys, Elana Kilkenny, June Kim, Jane Kirby, Kiyoshi, Lolly Koon, Brittany Paige Lambert, Gabriela Langone, Phyllis Leibowitz, Marci Leiseth, Shira Levine, Amanda Lim, Alicia Liu, Mimi Lombardo, Amanda Lim, Melissa Lum, Matin, Min Min Ma, Adam Maclay, Kindra Mann, Mona May, Kate Mack, Gina Marinelli, Ashley Jane Meyers, Ashley Meyers, Nastya Miliaeva, Sonal Nathwani, Carlos Mare, Leonardo Manetti, Tony Medina, Deanna Melluso, Marisa Meltzer, Memsor, Keita Moore, Quinn Murphy, Beau Nelson, Thomas Wolfe Northcut, Nathaniel Norwood, Gina Oh, Wesley O'Meara, Amy Oresman, Glen Coco Oropeza, Makky P., Randi Packard,  Pircilla Pae, Hara Papanikolaou, Josué Perez, Andrea Pezzillo, Chi Phan, Eric Polito, Danielle Priano, Justine Purdue, Nikki Reed, Sarah Gore Reeves, Jhonatan Rendon, Brigitte Reiss-Andersen,  Rebecca Restrepo, Mick Rock, David Roemer, Mike Rosenthal, Clariss Rubenstein, Martin Rusch, Amir Saeidiani, Barry Samaha, Georgi Sandev, Matt Sayles, Michael Schwartz, Bex Sheers, Mari Shten, Ben Skervin, Randall Slavin, Sam Spector, Vicky Steckel, Ursula Stephen, Victoria Stevens, Ashley Streicher, Kasja Svanberg, Tara Swennen, Christine Symonds, Abbe Wright, Robert Tagliapietra, Chauncey Tanton, Rob Talty, David Taveras, Joiee Thorpe, Tuan Ahn Tran, Shiona Turini, Sarah Uslan, Destiny Venice, Daisy de Villeneuve, Sam Visser, Dita Vushaj, David von Cannon, Elizabeth Wallace, Erin Walsh, Ben Watts, Rheanne White, Seiji Yamada, Hao Zeng.

Runway Photography: 


Gabriela Langone | Stylist

What’s magic to you right now? Having my son run into my arms everyday I come home from work. It melts away any worries, and makes my heart smile.

Favorite treat? Frozen Peanut M+M's.

What was the last concert you saw? The first? Elton John was the last; N’Sync was the first. Obviously my taste hasn’t changed!

What was your last splurge? Chanel, always.

Go-to host gift? Flowers and wine.

What’s sexy to you? Loyalty.

Lea Michele | Contributing Wellness Editor

What’s magic to you right now? Seeing the world through my son’s eyes.

What’s changed for you creatively over the pandemic? I’m less nervous than I was before. Now, when it comes to performing, I find myself more excited and eager to do what I love.

Go-to host gift? A great bottle of red wine.

Favorite treat? A great bottle of red wine! :)

The last time you felt really inspired? Performing on stage with my cast of Spring Awakening in November 2021.

Randall Slavin | Contributing Photographer

What are you reading/streaming/listening to on repeat (or for the first time or finally)? Right now I'm reading a biography of Andy Warhol that is so big. I Also use it to prop open the door. I've just finished rewatching Madmen and I realized I shouldn’t be looking at Don Draper as role model anymore.

What’s changed for you creatively over the pandemic? Creativity doesn’t change with captivity.

Last concert you saw? The first? Last concert I saw was….Ray Lamontagne.. first? Wham!

Go-to host gift? A Peter Beard book.

What’s sexy to you? Inviting eyes coupled with a quick wit will get me every time. 

Sam Spector | Fashion Director, Men

What’s magic to you right now? Spending quality time with my family either at home or on a special vacation. I find that I recharge best in new environments. For the holidays we explored Peru and came back feeling ready to attack the year ahead.

A cause you’re willing to march in the street (or speak up on social) for? Racial equity, abortion rights, and gay rights.

Has your travel bucket list changed over the pandemic? Only because so many borders remain closed, but we started traveling safely in April 2021 to places like Africa, Menorca, Corsica, and Sardinia. Bucket list places are Rwanda and Uganda to see the gorillas and chimps, and the Maldives for an over-the-water bungalow.

If you couldn’t work as a creative, what would you be doing right now? I would be a Child Psychologist. I studied Psychology in college but followed my creative yearning instead.

Last splurge? Genesis GV70 in Melbourne Gray.

Mike Rosenthal | CONTRIBUTING Photographer

What’s magic to you right now? Tons of new and innovating technology, and the smart people creating it, following it, writing about it, and inventing it.

What’s changed for you creatively over the pandemic? I think things are less precious. There was this pressure to be super creative during quarantine and I found it hard and frustrating, which led to me being more loose and not obsessing over little things. I think it’s better for my work and my mental health.

Which three people living or deceased do you invite to your last dinner party? Freddie Mercury, Obama, Bob Iger.

Has your travel bucket list changed over the pandemic? Yes - I can’t wait to revisit some of our favorite places! 

Favorite treat? Peanut butter cups. Peanut butter anything, really.

The last time you felt really inspired? Now! 

Last concert you saw? The first? Tame Impala, the day before quarantine started! First big concert was Soundgarden in the 90’s. My ears were ringing for days. Literally.

Cristina Ehrlich | Stylist

What’s changed for you creatively over the pandemic? The pandemic was definitely a reset for me. It was the first time in years I had the opportunity to stop and look at everything. Now, post pandemic and a version #newnormal, I’m finding it a lot easier to work differently, in my most creative outlet. The goal is working smarter, not harder. The big memo is about accessing creativity and feeling inspired, and for me, at this point, it means slowing down. 

“Important” idea you’re obsessed with right now? “Trivial” idea you’re also obsessed with right now? Staying inspired and finding joy.

"Trivial Idea"? The endless joy the perfect pair of socks can give me. 

Last splurge? Heart Tag toggle Necklace in Silver from Tiffany & Co.

Go-to host gift? Essential oils by Doterra or CBD gummies from Lord Jones.

Grocery platform of choice? I mix it up.... I love going to the farmers markets when I can. I love Trader Joes and Erewhon. 

What’s sexy to you? Kindness

Ashley Streicher | STRIIIKE Co-Founder

Current source of inspiration? Lately I've been collecting art books. There's something about the large pages that you can touch and turn yourself that's nice. I love going to art museums, and shopping the book shop afterwards. 

On your vacation list? Antarctica.

Favorite brand of denim? Levi's.

What do you cook? I prefer to bake. I love baking!

How would you describe your sofa?  Modern but cozy.

Skincare secret? Less is more.

Holly Carter | Contributing Beauty Editor

Current source of inspiration? I’m always inspired by everyday people-watching and just roaming the streets of NYC. It never gets old and each neighborhood has something unique to get my creative juices flowing.  

Favorite brand of denim? I’m all about democratic denim. I love my Seven for All Mankind and Veronica Beard high-waisted styles, but I also have jeans that fit me well from Target’s Universal Standard brand and dare I say, Costco.

What do you cook? Literally everything—chili, soups, chicken dishes, anything on the grill, roasted veggies, all kinds of cakes, cookies. I love cooking it all. Now I just need a kitchen to support my love. 

How would you describe your sofa? Practical and well-adorned with decorative pillows. I got it as a stand-in when I moved into my apartment with the plan of replacing it with my dream couch. Nine years later, I'm still on the hunt. I foresee something forest green and ridiculously comfy.

Skincare secret? Start young and be consistent. I was using Retin-A in my teens for acne which has positively affected my skin today. Two products I can’t live without: Augustinus Bader The Rich Cream and Biologique Recherche Lotion P50.

Daisy de Villeneuve | Contributing Artist + Illustrator

What’s magic to you right now? Dinner parties! Only in the past month have I started to see friends again, some I hadn’t seen in a couple of years. 

What are you reading/streaming/listening to on repeat (or for the first time or finally)? I’ve been listening to the podcast, Where Should We Begin? with Esther Perel. I love listening to podcasts whilst I’m doing my work. 

What did you lose during the pandemic? My romantic life has been put on hold, so I’m totally out of the loop in that area… 

Gain? I always wanted to be that person that gets up at 6am to go to the gym, but that’s really for people to go to before the office. I work from home so I don’t actually need to get up that early but I started doing it! After the gyms were shut for months, I was hoping that I could continue it, and I have. Sometimes I go twice a day, I do spin. I actually gained a lot. I live alone so I got busy, I was never lonely. I did lots of online courses, met new people, read books, watched shows that I’d never seen before, I reevaluated everything… 

If you couldn’t work as a creative, what would you be doing right now? If I was any good at it, I would be a surfer but that wouldn’t give me any income. I would probably be a social worker or a therapist. 

Last concert you saw? Katy Perry three years ago at The O2 in London. My boyfriend at that time, his son was a die hard fan so we all went backstage and he got a cute selfie with her, our selfie with her was not so cute. The first? Curiosity Killed the Cat around 1987, I was 12. 

Mimi Lombardo | Contributing Fashion Editor

Current source of inspiration? Lately, I'm in love with India. It's funny, because I’ve not been there in years, but I have a renewed love for Indian cotton prints and Indian gems. The culture is all about vibrant color and beauty, and I can't get enough. 

On your vacation list? Prague, Greece, Croatia, and more Paris, Paris, Paris.

Favorite brand of denim? Seven For All Mankind. They get my body and I love the fit. Another favorite is Cos---skinny leg in raw denim.

What do you cook? I love cooking bolognese, or beef stew. I can make a mean broccoli rabe. Broccoli rabe never tastes as good in a restaurant.

How would you describe your sofa?  Sore subject. I’m looking for one now. The current sofa is cream in color, puffy, and amorphous in the back. I have another sofa in another room: a Duncan Phyfe family heirloom, given to me and my husband by my husband’s grandmother. I had it reupholstered in Knoll fabric.

Skincare secret? Lancôme Génifique Night Repair Cream and Génifique Youth Activating Serum. I use Clinique Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion during the day. And I don’t wear foundation. It looks overtly fake, like a doll's plastic "skin." 


Jamie Greenberg | Makeup Artist

Athleisure: Here to stay for you, or happy it goes when Zoom calls go?  Here to stay! I practically live in my Goldsheep leggings so athleisure is definitely a trend I can get behind.

What Item do you feel naked without? Jewelry! I never feel dressed without my bling. I pretty much always have on my fave pieces from Jenny Bird or Dana Rebecca.

The last time you felt really inspired? We recently bought a house and I had to leave my she-shed, which I’ve been working in for the past six years. But I started to create a new space and felt so inspired by it. It’s amazing how getting out of a normal space or redoing a room can ignite life! 

Favorite Treat?  I'm obsessed with Good Molly's cookies. They're vegan and gluten free and I could totally eat an entire bag in one sitting. 

Heels, flats, or never again anything but AirForce Ones? Cool sneaker game for LIFE!!