May 2024

The Well Collective | Week Of May 15, 2024

Green Juice For All, Stepping Outside, Glowing In Gratitude, And Cozy Closet Staples

live well

Immersing yourself in a nature walk is a profound way to reconnect with the Earth. As you wander, allow the stillness and fresh air to anchor you in the present moment. Take the time to observe the diverse creatures of nature thriving in their habitat. Engaging in a daily nature walk not only recharges your batteries but also serves as a rejuvenating meditative practice, seamlessly woven into the hustle and bustle of your day.


Self care is essential. Carve out a sacred hour each day for what I like to call a non-negotiable hour of power. Whether it's indulging in a relaxing bath, tuning in to a thought-provoking podcast, taking a stroll amidst nature's beauty, or simply jotting down your thoughts in a journal, this hour is solely dedicated to reconnecting with yourself. Whether you're a devoted parent, a loving partner, or navigating a bustling work life, allocating just one meaningful hour to restoration will provide the energetic boost necessary to tackle life's demands head-on. Remember, you can't pour from an empty cup. prioritize self care to replenish your spirit and enhance your wellbeing.


My pick-me-up Green Juice recipe! Grab your blender and get blending. Such a healthy way to start the day. This is sweet enough for the kids to enjoy and doesn’t taste like swamp water like some of them!

4 stalks celery
Handful spinach
2 green apples, halved
1 cucumber
1 cup frozen pineapple
6 kale leaves
The juice of ½ lemon
1 (one inch) piece fresh ginger
4 cups water



I'm currently working on a show in Australia, a dream project brought to life through manifestation. It's a joy to collaborate with incredible talents like Jim Sturgess, whom I've admired for years since our paths crossed in a project test fifteen years ago. I've always sought out opportunities led by warmhearted creatives who inspire me, and this project is a beautiful realization of that intention. I’m always super clear in my manifestations that I just want to be around wonderful people.


Gratitude, AND taking stock of everything I’m grateful for. When I take a moment to truly sit in the warmth of gratitude, I'm reminded of the abundance that surrounds me. Especially during times of struggle or when my spirits need a lift, I've found solace in the simple act of jotting down a gratitude list. It's more than just writing; it's a transformative tool that uplifts and renews, allowing me to refocus and appreciate the treasures already in my possession. So whenever life's challenges weigh heavy, I turn to gratitude to illuminate the path forward and remind myself of the blessings that abound.


on set!

Alias mae platform sandals
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Christy dawn lou lou reversible quilt jacket
$450.00 DETAILS


is my daily must-have. It's a transformative nutritional supplement designed to nourish my body from within. Bursting with vital vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, it not only promotes vitality and balance but also enhances my energy levels and gives me radiant skin, hair, and nails...all wrapped up in a delectable chocolate smoothie to kick start my day just right. Additionally, Blossom boasts a carefully curated blend of over forty superfoods specifically chosen to boost daily energy levels. perfect for busy moms like me!! Its powerful mushroom blend, including Tremella and Lion's ManE work wonders in harmonizing my immune system and balancing hormones. the addition of organic Matcha Green Tea gives me a natural energy boost. I took extra care in selecting both hemp and pea as protein sources, ensuring THAT Blossom remains powerful and plant-based, alignING perfectly with my lifestyle and values.

learn more about lovewell by teresa palmer + kate clarke HERE